Good environmental stewardship and profitability can
go together to provide quality products that our state is proud of.
may think otherwise. But a group of Valley almond, cotton and alfalfa growers
have proven they can protect our water, soil and air while making a good
living. These growers are part of a unique program that promotes sustainable
Coming off another successful year, the San Joaquin Sustainable
Farming Project is recruiting new almond, alfalfa and cotton growers in Merced,
Madera and Fresno counties for the 2018 season. The program is looking to
expand its reach in the Lower San Joaquin River Watershed.
Sounds interesting?
Well, growers can learn more about the program
during a field day from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Feb. 15 at the Firebaugh
Mendota United Methodist Church, 1660 O Street, Firebaugh. Tom Casey of the
Fresno County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office and Orvil McKinnis of the
Westside San Joaquin RiverWatershed Coalition will provide updates about 2018
pesticide regulations and the watershed. By
enrolling in the program, growers learn valuable strategies to improve yields
while becoming better environmental stewards in today’s tough economic and
regulatory climate. Sponsored by the Sustainable Cotton Project (SCP), the
program connects growers with some of the state’s leading University of
California extension advisors and researchers.
Over the years,
the program and its growers have gained recognition nationally and
internationally. Growers will receive
these benefits:
SCP field scouts who work with growers’ existing pest
control advisors to augment field scouting.
Six field days per year
focusing on pest and crop management issues, crop diseases and management,
biological farming and water and regulatory issues.
Access to top UC farm
advisors and integrated pest management experts who will help farmers deal with
current issues ranging from pest and disease management to irrigation.
Best Management
Practices implementation planning and annual hedgerow seeds and beneficial
insects, when needed.
For more information or to inquire about enrolling,
please contact SCP Director Marcia Gibbs at (530) 370-5325 or
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